Thursday, 6 September 2012

Hello Lip Life Savers!!

    Lately, I've been having a crappy time with severely dry lips, nothing has been working for me! However, I'm going to introduce you too two lip saviours! An exfoliantor and an intensive moisturiser.

      First up, exfoliant. Lush again, I know but I'm loving Lush at the mo. 'Pow Wow' Lip Scrub. Basically, an exfoliant for your lips, a grainy product that basically takes of the top layer on your lips, the dry flakey bits (yuck). Firstly, it smells amazeballssss (I hate this word, can't believe I used it). Quite a limey smell, a bit like the Starburst fruit sweets. Simply devine. The colour is super green, very candy like and it kinda tastes nice too (yes, it's perfectly okay to eat this). Now i won't lie to you, it hurts, but it's worth it. Leaves your lips super smooth and flake-free. I've had mine for quite some time so it has become quite dry, I don't know if it's supposed to be like that or if I might need a new one but I think it still works so I'll stick with it for awhile. It comes in several different flavours and colours so I might splash out on a different flavour soon. I am loving this though, and coming into the Winter our lips are going to need so TLC so check it out. 
               (This was given to me so I don't know the price, but it can't be more than €10, and worth every penny)

Next up, Blistex. A very widely known lip product I'm sure you'll all agree! I have to firstly say that I much prefer their new packaging. the one they had before just always leaked out on me, this one is simply more purse friendly. Using this along with my 'Pow Wow' has really helped my lips out tremendously. When using this I make sure that I reapply the Blistex every hour or so, just to make sure it is working, I can be a bit obsessive like that ha! It is really creamy, and very hydrating on the lips. You can really feel this working on the lips and I simply can't give enough praise to this product. You can also find this in EVERY chemist around so NO EXCUSES!!!!

Empty Much?
      Ladies, i can't stress enough how important lips care is. It really is important, especially coming into the Winter. Pick up a moisturiser, you won't regret it!

     Has anyone tried either of these products?? What are your lip favs??? Tell me all......

Kate! xXx

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